Friday, April 13, 2012

March 8, 2012 School Board Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Monthly Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2012
6:30 pm
ARTech at 1719 Cannon Road, Northfield

 1.       Call meeting to order: 6:40
 2.       Verify Quorum
Present: Evelyn Hoover, Anne Klawiter, Laura Stelter, Tim Goodwin, Tammy Prichard, Jake
Roberts, Janine Nelson, Sheri Acosta, Jan Rowher                      
Additionally present: Ryan Krominga, Rebecca McMullen, Olivia Paulson

 3.       Approve Agenda
Motion to approve:  Janine Nelson
Second:  Laura Stelter
Motion passed: unanimous

 4.       Approve Minutes of February 9, 2012
Motion to approve:  Evelyn Hoover
Second:  Janine Nelson
Motion passed: unanimous

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  This is an opportunity for community members to address the ARTech School Board on subjects related to the school. Please limit comments to three minutes.

 6.       Consent Agenda:  none

 7.       Reports
(a)    Directors Report:
 i.            Ryan Krominga provided monthly report.  Enrollment is steady from where it was last month.  He is offering tours to prospective parents and a lottery will be held next month.  ARTech drama students are collaborating with Carleton College. There are 4 visiting artists in term 4.  Ryan met with Dr. Richardson to prepare for the 3/12 Northfield School Board meeting and reviewed materials submitted for contract renewal. Ryan attended cognitive coaching workshop at the Northfield School District the week of March 1st. A program guide for the high school programming has been produced and presented to the 8th grade students each year. Kristen Hayton from Shattuck St. Mary’s will be at ARTech talking about differentiation as a part of QComp staff development.
(b)    Financial Report:
 i.            Auction Committee is preparing for upcoming auction with goal of $8,000 - $10,000. HCI service grants are being written by students with checklist/worksheet created by Rebecca. Waiting on paperwork for approved additional line of Credit from Community Resource Bank. There are no concerns with board expenditures or cash flow. 
 A.   Budget Revisions:
·         Added $17,000 to Gifts and Requests
·         Added $23,833 from STEM school reimbursement (shared art position) This is a change in how the budget is reported, but does not impact the bottom line of the budget.
·         Reduced Gen Aid $14,811 to reflect reducing from 118 students to 116 students to balance out PSEO numbers
·         Building Lease aid is also reduced – based off student enrollment
·         Increased cleaning $1000; repair and Service Master by $3000; Operation/Maintenance – non-instructional supplies by $1000; and secondary ed – non-instructional supplies by $200.
·         Reduced snow removal by $650; Utilities by $1000; Van gas by $500; Sec Ed Non-Equip by $3000; Visual arts residency by $1000
 B.   Fund balance: 2% of adjusted revenue is $27,695.29.  Actual budget of adjusted budget is $28,182.63
(c)    Chair Report:
 i.            Name Discussion: As a result of our surveys of the ARTech community, we have a lengthy list of adjectives and descriptions of the important aspects of the school.  A special “thank you” to Tim Goodwin for compiling and making sense out of all of this information.  A letter has been sent to the students, parents, staff, and alumni, and the information has been posted on the site that has board documents.  (
 ii.          Required Training: Our three new board members, Sheri Acosta, Anne Klawiter, and Laura Stelter, are tentatively registered for the training sessions by approved trainer, Dr. Charles Speiker, on April 21, 2012 at the MN International Middle School in Minneapolis.  The training will cover the 3 required areas: Governance, Finance and Employment, per Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.10, Subd. 4. 
 iii.         Policy Discussion: In continuing our policy review, please read through the following policies for the next meeting:  301 – School District Administration; 301.2 – Admissions Policy; 302 – School Director; 303 – School Director Selection; 305 – Policy Implementation; 306 – Administrator Code of Ethics; 401 – Equal Employment Opportunity; 402 – Disability Nondiscrimination Policy.
 iv.        Charter School Conference:     “You’re invited to join us on Tuesday, June 19 – Friday, June 22, 2012 at the Minneapolis Convention Center for exceptional learning experiences and networking opportunities. The National Charter Schools Conference is the largest gathering of charter school leaders, educators and supporters from across the country.  Come share what’s possible in the birthplace of the charter school movement!  Register today! Early registration rates end Feb. 15.”  ( )
(d)    Committee Reports: Communication Committee helped prepare the 8th grade parent information meeting, brought meals for teachers on conference night.  The communications committee has taken on some hospitality duties which will possibly be spun off to a new committee next year
(e)    Student Report: None

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:
(a)    Old Policy review and discussion: These policies were reviewed and discussed and will be read a second time at the April board meeting.
205 – Open Meetings:  There are no language changes, though formatting will be made consistent
206 – Public Participation: No changes proposed.  Corrected one typo in Section II Paragraph A, adding the word “of” missing from sentence.
207 – Public Hearings: No policy change.  Changed word “clerk” to “secretary” in Section III, paragraph C.
208, 208.1 – Development & Revision of Policies: No policy change.  Change the word “ensure” to “assure” in section II paragraph.  Policy 208.1 is recommended to be removed as it is a duplication of section V paragraph D of policy 208.  Second reading of this policy change will occur at the April board meeting.
209 – Code of Ethics: No policy changes
210.1 – Conflict of Interest: No policy changes. Correct typo in Section IV, A, # 2
211 – Criminal or Civic Action: No policy changes
214 – Out of State Travel: No policy changes.  Change word “superintendent” to “school director in Section VI.
410: Family and Medical Leave: No policy changes.  Replace “superintendent” with “school director.”
(b)    New Policy discussion
410.1 – Professional Development Leave of Absence.  This policy proposal was tabled
(c)    Sabbatical Request from Todd Thompson
Motion to approve:  Tim Goodwin moved that the board approve the request for sabbatical for
the 2012 & 2013 school year with resumption of full-time employment for the 2013-2014 school year.
Second:  Jake Roberts
Motion failed: opposed unanimously
The board discussed and determined that the structure of at-will contracts do not allow for the board to guarantee employment beyond one-year at-will contracts as would be required by approving this motion.  The board also discussed and determined that approving a year-long sabbatical would not be conducive to program consistency.
(d)    Calendar Discussion: Tabled
(e)    Change of election date discussion: The board chair introduced the idea of moving the board elections to the spring from the fall.  This will be discussed further at future meetings

 9.       Announcements:
(a)    Spring Break – March 19 to 23
(b)    April 2 – Admissions lottery
(c)    Next Board Meeting – April 12, 2012 at 6:30
(d)    ARTech Auction – April 14

 10.    Adjourn:
Motion to approve: Janine Nelson
Second: Jan Rowher
Motion Passed: Unanimous – Meeting adjourned at 9:10

Respectfully submitted by Tim Goodwin, Secretary 3/8/12

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