Wednesday, May 30, 2012

April 12, 2012 School Board Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Monthly Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2012
6:30 pm
ARTech at 1719 Cannon Road, Northfield

 1.       Call meeting to order: 6:40pm

 2.       Verify Quorum
Present: Anne Klawiter, Tammy Prichard, Jake Roberts, Laura Stelter, Sheri Acosta, Jan Rowher
Additionally present: Ryan Krominga, Rebecca McMullen, Olivia Paulson

 3.       Approve Agenda
Motion to approve: Sheri Acosta
Second:  Jan Rohwer
Motion passed: unanimous
 4.       Approve Minutes of March 8, 2012
(a)    Sheri Acosta
(b)    Anne Klawitter
Motion passed: unanimous

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  This is an opportunity for community members to address the ARTech School Board on subjects related to the school. Please limit comments to three minutes.

 6.       Consent Agenda:
                  Approve the following old policies reviewed on March 8, 2012:
203 – Operation of the School Board – Governing Rules
205 – Open Meetings
206 – Public Participation
207 – Public Hearings
208 – Development, Adoptions, and Implementation of Policies
209 – Code of Ethics
210.1 – Conflict of Interest
211 – Criminal or Civic Action
214 – Out of State Travel
410 – Family and Medical Leave Policy
Remove the following policies:
203.1 – School Board Procedures; Rules of Order
203.2 – Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
203.2 – Annual Meeting Agenda
203.5 – School Board Meeting Agenda
203.6 – Consent Agendas
208.1 – Updating School Board Policies
1.       Jan Rohwer
2.       Sheri Acosta
Motion passed: unanimous

 7.       Reports
(a)    Directors Report
1.            Lottery for 6th and 8th grade completed with waiting lists for both. ACT prep session for 11th graders. Oliver (the play) is coming up April 27th and 28th. Senior presentation nights are May 8th and 10th at 6:30 pm. No staffing updates. No changes to the building, but Northfield Construction will be coming in to estimate the cost of adding storage to the former art room space. On Monday, April 9th, Northfield School Board approved a five-year contract for ARTech, which will be sent to MDE to be reviewed. Talked to the landlord about the city’s purchase of the land adjacent to the school property for a police station.  Discussion on safety—should bikers leave early?
Cognitive Coaching has been a positive experience that would be of benefit to the rest of the staff, though it is a bit of a time commitment.

(b)    Financial Report
1.            Reviewed the Feb. and March bank statements (no concerns)
2.            Reviewed grants and fundraising. The community garden gave $50 to buy seeds, which will then be sold back to people for the garden. Received two HCI grants. Pancake breakfast coming up on April 29th. The auction is this coming Saturday night (Northfield Ballroom at 7pm).
3.            STARS (reporting on licensed staff and their positions, along with non-licensed staff) report
4.            Paperwork for additional LOC to get ARTech through the holdbacks is completed and signed ($90,000 for about a month at most)
5.            Doing well at 75% through the fiscal year, in a healthy place financially. Most of the expenditure concerns will be taken care of with the revised budget.
6.            Cash flow is good. Got an additional holdback payment from the State of $60,000 on March 15th that was helpful. No State payments until the next fiscal year, but we are good through the end of the year.
7.            Looked at a revised budget last meeting, to be approved this meeting. Also looking at next year’s budget to be approved at next meeting.
8.            Revenue—The approved revenue is $1,390,198.07. (Discussed changes, including Legacy Fund (through the State of Minnesota) monies—new funding, which we will normally get in the spring and the fall (this year, spring only). Stimulus monies: the school received $1969.73 for education jobs. )
9.            Expenditures—Approved expenditures are $1,362,227.49. (Discussed the changes, including: Ryan’s training cost an extra $1000, which was put in a separate line as administrative staff development. Added $500 for advertising for the rest of the year . Cleaning increased by $1000 for the new space. Will be asking for a copy paper donation—sending a thank you for previous donation. Sec. Ed. Non-Equipment will be reduced by $2000 instead of $3000. )
10.        With adjustments, Fund Balance will be $27970.55

Current budget (revised)
            Motion to approve:
1.       Anne Klawitter
2.       Sheri Acosta
Motion approved unanimously

11.        FY2013 Budget discussion: Federal and Lease Aids are based on 118 students. PSEO discussion. $34,619.18 projected Fund Balance for FY2013. Looking for ways to increase salary if revenue has not increased, or to increase the benefits package. Considering unemployment insurance to stabilize expenses; discussion of unemployment. FY2013 Budget must be approved by June.

(c)    Chair Report – none
(d)    Committee Reports: Education & College Prep Committee
1.            Education committee is done for the year; looked at social curriculum (big picture thinking), generated list or resources for the staff. College Prep Committee compiled names and contact numbers for colleges in the region (mass mailing will be sent out to colleges in the spring)
(e)    Student Report
1.            Interested to hear more about PSEO and hoping financial information and other considerations will be discussed with students.

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:
(a)    Approve Charter Contract
Motion to approve
1.            Jan Rohwer
2.            Anne Klawitter
Motion unanimously approved.

(b)    Name Discussion & Policy 101.1
The name “Arcadia Community School” was presented to the Board. The policy had a first reading. Second reading and approval at next month’s meeting. To be introduced to staff tomorrow and to students early next week.
(c)    Approve next year’s calendar
Very similar to Northfield Public Schools (because of busing) and this year’s calendar. May term somewhat shorter next year. 170 days, late start on Wednesdays.
Motion to approve:
1.            Jan Rohwer
2.            Laura Stelter
Motion unanimously approved.

(d)    Old Policy review and discussion
301 – School District Administration;
302 – School Director;
303 – School Director Selection;
305 – Policy Implementation;
Discussed these (first reading).

306 – Administrator Code of Ethics;
401 – Equal Employment Opportunity;
402 – Disability Nondiscrimination Policy.

(e)    Revised Policy discussion
            105 – Admissions Policy
            First reading. Discussed revisions.

(f)     Procedures Manual for Board Meetings
(g)    Policy Review Schedule
(h)    Policies for Review in May:  406 – Public and Private Personnel Data; 531 – Pledge of Allegiance.

 9.       Announcements:
(a)    ARTech Auction – April 14
(b)    Open House – April 19 at 7 pm.
(c)    Next School Board Meeting – May 10, 2012

 10.   Adjourn at 9:20 pm
      First – Jan Rohwer
      Second – Sheri Acosta

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