Friday, January 20, 2012

December 8, 2011 School Board Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Monthly Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2011
6:30 pm
ARTech at 1719 Cannon Road, Northfield

 1.       Call meeting to order at 6:37
 2.       Verify Quorum: Tammy Prichard, Tim Goodwin, Annie Klawiter, Janine Nelson, Sheri Acosta, Jan Rowher, Evelyn Hoover.  Also attending: Ryan Krominga.  Laura Stelter arrived at 7:35

 3.       Approve Agenda: Janine Nelson, second Evelyn Hoover, approved unanimously

 4.       Approve Minutes of November 10, 2011: Sheri Acosta, Jan Rowher, approved unanimously

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  This is an opportunity for community members to address the ARTech School Board on subjects related to the school. Please limit comments to three minutes.  No speakers

 6.       Consent Agenda:  None

 7.       Reports
(a)    Directors Report – Ryan Krominga updated board with enrollment numbers and communication with families interested in transferring at the semester break. Curricular initiatives were summarized.  Ryan did request of the board for feedback as to what information the board is looking for in this section of his report.  Building status was summarized, as were external relations, professional development, and progress on the charter renewal.  Details available on attachment labeled “Director Report, December 8th, 2011.”
 i.       Current exchange student has requested to attend ARTech next year.  This would require a F1 Visa and Certification Status on the part of ARTech with the Department of Homeland Security.  The student would be required to pay the school the per pupil funding that the state would normally provide the school.  Additionally, the cost of the certification is approximately $1,700 plus a cost of $650 for the site visit.  Every two years the certification would need to be renewed requiring the $650 site visit. Evelyn Hoover moved and Sheri Acosta seconded moved to have Ryan and the Finance Committee explore the budget implications of applying for this certification and report back to the board in January. Unanimously approved
(b)    Finance Committee – Janine Nelson reported, highlighting an increase in funds in grants and fundraising, audit is proceeding, business consulting fees, non-instructional supplies, instructional supplies, and cleaning and maintenance are high, though expected to be within budget by the end of the year.  Cash flow is still projecting a shortfall for about 15 days in June and conversations are beginning with our bank for a short term loan to cover that approximate 15-day period.  The school will not be dipping into the line of credit until April of this year.  Details of the finance committee report can be seen on attached report.
(c)    Chair Report – The board retreat is January 28th at St. Olaf 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
(d)    Education Committee: Tami summarized the content of their conversation on November 9th.  The focus of the committee work this year will be “Social Curriculum.”  The details of this initial discussion can be viewed on attacheddocuments: “Education Committee Notes 11/9/11 and “Social Curriculum at ARTech: What is the ARTech Way?” 
 i.       College Prep Sub-Committee has met.  Robin Gunderson has connected with college reps coming to visit Northfield High School to also visit ARTech during that same visit. 
 ii.     Janine Nelson asked of the committee if there is a forum for parents of 8th grade students to ask questions about the transition to high school and as they potentially weigh options comparing ARTech to Northfield High School.  The need for education and communication of ARTech 8th grade students and parents about the 9-12 program at ARTech was discussed and highlighted.
(e)    Student Report - None

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:
(a)    Self-study discussion – Self-study draft presented to the board. Self-study viewed and approved at the January 12th board meeting.  The evaluation team review will be between January 23rd through January 27th. The final report will be delivered to the sponsor by March 1st.
(b)    Name Discussion – A letter has been mailed to the community outlining the concept of a name change and begin the process of deciding on a new name for the community maximizing input from as many stakeholders in the community as possible.  It was discussed that the next step is to gather staff and others that could make up the committee to design and lead this discussion within the community. 

 9.       Announcements:
(a)    Benefit Concert for the Marroquin-Haslett Family – December 16 at 6:00 at the Ballroom
(b)    End of 2nd Quarter/Presentation Night – December 22
(c)    Winter Break – December 23 – January 2
(d)    Next Board Meeting – January 12, 2012
(e)    Board Retreat – January 28

 10.    Adjourn: moved by Annie Klawiter, seconded by Sheri Acosta, unanimously approved at 7:54.

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