Friday, January 20, 2012

November 10, 2011 School Board Agenda & Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Monthly Meeting Agenda

November 10, 2011
6:30 pm
ARTech at 1719 Cannon Road, Northfield

 1.       Call meeting to order
 2.       Verify Quorum
 3.       Approve Agenda
 4.       Approve Minutes of October 13, 2011

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  This is an opportunity for community members to address the ARTech School Board on subjects related to the school. Please limit comments to three minutes.

 6.       Consent Agenda:  None

 7.       Reports
(a)    Financial Report (including report on hot lunches)
(b)    Directors Report
(c)    Chair Report – none
(d)    Committee Reports: Communication Committee
(e)    Student Report

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:
(a)    Elect officers
(b)    Self-study discussion
(c)    Dates for Board Retreat
(d)    Name Discussion
(e)    Policy Discussion

 9.       Announcements:
(a)    Thanks-Give – November 18
(b)    Workshop – November 23
(c)    Thanksgiving Break – November 24-25
(d)    Next Board Meeting – December 8
(e)    End of 2nd Quarter/Presentation Night – December 23

 10.    Adjourn


Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2011

 1.       Call meeting to order at 6:34pm.

 2.       Verify Quorum: Tammy Prichard, Tim Goodwin, Jake Roberts, Janine Nelson, Annie Klawiter, Sheri Acosta.  Also attending: Ryan Krominga, Lori Urke, Rebecca McMullen, Joe Pahr

 3.       Motion to approve Agenda: Sheri Acosta, second Annie Klawiter, approved unanimously.

 4.       Motion to approve Minutes of October 13, 2011, Sheri Acosta, second Jake Roberts, approved unanimously

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  Joe Pahr introduced a new student led initiative called “Northfield Area Spring Charter School Conference” and asked for board feedback.  Initiative is in early stages of development.  Preliminary goals of the initiative are to 1) begin dialogue with other charter schools in the area, 2) provide publicity for charter schools,  3) possibly provide a recruiting tool.  Joe will continue working on initiative and supporting students, and will keep board informed of progress.

 6.       Consent Agenda:  None

 7.       Reports
(a)    Food Audit Report:  Rebecca McMullen presented report on the upcoming food audit, due December 20, 2011.  Rebecca presented information regarding requirements for food program compliance, including monitoring, record keeping, and offer vs. serve options for middle and/or high school students.  Compliance is required to receive assistance under Free and Reduced Food Program.
(b)    Financial Report: Janine Nelson and Ryan Krominga presented upcoming financial due dates, explained items on the board expenditures comparison report, and presented the cash flow report to board.  See attached 11-7-11 Finance Committee Minutes for more detail.
(c)    Director Report:  Ryan Krominga presented current enrollment status, curricular initiatives, and staffing updates.  The building project status is progressing and expected completion and occupancy by Thanks-Give.  Self-Study is being drafted and Ryan is accepting suggestions for the evaluation team.  See attached 11-10-11 Director Report for more details.
(d)    Chair Report:  None
(e)    Committee Reports: Communication Committee report was presented by Sheri Acosta.  Committee has met once this year.  Lisa Malecha is leading this committee.  Hoping to recruit a few more members.  The committee is reviewing the content of the School Profile that is sent to colleges.  Sheri is looking into “Volunteer Spot”, an online website helpful for organizing volunteers.  Discussion about whether Parent Volunteer Coordinator should be part of Communications Committee. The next Communication Meeting is November 15.
(f)     Student Report:  None

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:
(a)    Election of School Board Officers for 2011/2012:
 i.            Motion to elect Tammy Prichard as Chair:  Annie Klawiter, second Tim Goodwin, unanimously approved,
 ii.          Motion to elect Jan Rohwer as Vice-Chair; Tim Goodwin, second Sheri Acosta, unanimously approved
 iii.         Motion to elect Janine Nelson as Treasurer; Tammy Prichard, second Annie Klawiter, unanimously approved,
 iv.        Motion to elect Tim Goodwin as Secretary; Tammy Prichard, second Annie Klawiter, unanimously approved.
(b)    Self-study discussion:  covered in Director’s Report
(c)    Board Retreat:  Discussed and reviewed board training requirements for new board members.  Board retreat will be separate from board training.  Artech will try to reserve a conference room at St. Olaf for board retreat.  Date set for board retreat is January 28, 2012.  Primary purpose of board retreat is to review school policies. 
(d)    Name change discussion:  Anne Klawiter led the discussion and stated that the name change topic was raised at two recent staff meetings for staff feedback.  Staff appeared to support continued exploration of name change.  Tim Goodwin has contacted Department of Ed, and Secretary of State, and learned there are no roadblocks to name change for charter school.  Board expressed sentiment that the school has a very strong identity that might not be represented by its name.  Discussed need to communicate to community that intention is not to change school identity, culture or curriculum.  The intention is to have name reflect existing identity, culture and curriculum.  Board discussed how the timing of a name change may work out well next year, which will be the school’s 10th year of operation, and could coincide with a reflection of how the school has evolved since its inception. 
Action:  Motion to change the name of Artech so that it more accurately represents the school’s existing identity; Annie Klawiter, second Jake Roberts, approved unanimously.

(e)    Policy Discussion:  First Reading of revised policies 609, 103, and 406. 
Ryan Krominga presented need to review and revise existing policies to comply with recent changes resulting from a lawsuit surrounding lease aid to sectarian organizations, religious accommodation policies, and lawful accommodation of religion in public schools.  Templates are provided by MDE that include policy assurances that will comply with revised requirements.  Ryan has modified Artech’s policies to be in compliance by Department of Ed’s upcoming deadlines.   See attached documents for more information.

9.         Announcements:
(a)        Thanks-Give – November 18
(b)        Workshop – November 23
(c)        Thanksgiving Break – November 24-25
(d)        Next Board Meeting – December 8
(e)        End of 2nd Quarter/Presentation Night – December 23

10.    Motion to adjourn Janine Nelson, second Jake Roberts, approved unanimously.
Adjourn at 8:45.

Respectfully Submitted by Janine Nelson

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