Tuesday, November 22, 2011

April 14, 2011 School Board Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Meeting Minutes

4/14/11,  6:30 pm
ARTech at 1719 Cannon Road, Northfield

 1.       Call meeting to order at 6:40.

 2.       Verify Quorum
                  Present:  Tammy Prichard, Jan Rohwer, Lisa Malecha, Evelyn Hoover, Janine Nelson, Maria
Musachio, Chris Bashor, Tim Goodwin, Jake Roberts

                  Additionally present:  Simon Tyler/Director, Peter Schmeltzer, Ginger
Coleman/student representative,

 3.       Approve Agenda
                  Motion to approve:  Jan Rohwer
                  Second: Evelyn Hoover
                  Motion passed: unanimous

 4.       Approve Minutes of 3/10/11
                  Motion to approve: Chris Bashor
                  Second: Lisa Malecha
                  Motion passed: unanimous

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  No speakers

 6.       Consent Agenda:  None

 7.       Reports
(a)    Finance Committee and Financial Report – Janine Nelson
Proposal to approve FY2011 Proposed Budget presented with adjustments that account for actual revenue and expenditures.
Motion to approve the FY 2011 Budget: Tim Goodwin
Second: Jake Roberts
                  Motion passed: unanimous

(b)    Board Chair Report
(c)    School Director Report -Simon Tyler (Report attached)
 i.            Enrollment and Waiting Lists
 ii.          Curricular Initiatives: Staffing Updates
 iii.         Building Status: See report on lease status and building expansion from the facilities committee
 iv.        External Relations
 v.          Professional Development
 vi.        Director Simon Tyler read a letter stating he has accepted a position as director at Prairie Creek charter school that will begin in July of 2011.
(d)    Committee Report: 
 i.            Education committee: Simon Tyler
Committee has developed a Middle School handbook, which will be presented to the board next month. There is discussion about Professional Development, which has led to ideas such as a Catalyst Fund for extended professional development projects, reallocation of Q-comp funds, and a re-licensure Coordinator to track on teachers’ licensure status. High School schedule is being discussed, looking at a more structured plan for delivering curriculum required by state standards.
College Prep Sub-committee (six Education committee members): has created a task list for providing concise information to post secondary institutions that demonstrates the rigor of the ARTech program.
 ii.          Facilities committee: Peter Schmeltzer
Diagram of the school’s building plan was viewed and discussed. Plans include the addition of two new classrooms fitted with plumbing, and gas for science lab space. Some additional storage space may be added depending on how the bids come in. The landlord is willing to allow parent volunteers to construct the storage spaces. Peter Schmeltzer was thanked for his extensive involvement in planning and designing this project.

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:
(a)    Search Committee formation to seek a school Director to begin in school year 2011-2012:
Motion to form a search committee, appointed by board chair Tam Prichard, consisting of 4
school board members and one (non-board member) teacher, Tim Goodwin.
Second: Lisa Malecha
(b)    School Calendar
Motion to approve the school calendar for school year 2011-2012, Jan Rohwer.
Second: Tim Goodwin
                  Motion passed: unanimous
(c)    Lease discussion
Motion to authorize the board chair to sign a ten-year building lease, Maria Musachio
Second: Jan Rohwer
                  Motion passed: unanimous
(d)    Parent survey (Lisa Malecha)
Results of a Parent survey were viewed. Aprox. 41% response from parents, a total of 60 parents responded. Responses were displayed in a power point with pie graph summary of each of the 26 survey questions. Responses show general satisfaction with ARTech program and staff.

 9.       Announcements:
(a)    Next School Board Meeting:  May 5 at 6:30 pm
(b)    Sat. April 16 – ARTech Auction, 7pm
(c)    Senior Presentation night – May 12 at 6:30pm
(d)    School play, Midsummer Nitght’s Dream,  will perform May 20th and 21st 

 10.    Adjourn
Motion to approve: Jan Rohwer
                  Second:  Chris Bashor
                  Motion passed:  unanimous
      Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm

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