Tuesday, November 22, 2011

May 5, 2011 School Board Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Meeting Minutes
5/5/11,  6:30 pm
ARTech at 1719 Cannon Road, Northfield

 1.       Call meeting to order at 6:36
 2.       Verify Quorum
                  Present:  Tammy Prichard, Jan Rohwer, Lisa Malecha, Evelyn Hoover, Janine Nelson, Maria
Musachio, Chris Bashor, Tim Goodwin

                  Additionally present:  Simon Tyler/Director, Rebecca McMullen, Ginger
Coleman/student representative,

 3.       Approve Agenda
                  Motion to approve:  Jeanine Nelson
                  Second: Lisa Malecha
                  Motion passed: unanimous

 4.       Approve Minutes of 4/9/11
                  Motion to approve: Tim Goodwin
                  Second: Evelyn Hoover
                  Motion passed: unanimous

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  No speakers

 6.       Consent Agenda:  None

 7.       Reports:
(a)    Finance Committee and Financial Report – Janine Nelson:
  • Thank you to Rebecca McMullen and Auction Committee for successful fundraiser, raised over $10,000 at the Auction on Apr. 16th.
  • Final budget is due at June/11 board meeting.
  • Landlord has agreed to contract for some repairs to the building to prevent water seeping in.
  • Cost for Sp. Ed. Director through ISES was negotiated for the upcoming year. Increase from $9,350 to $10,850 for the 2011-12 school year.
ARTech has an opportunity to accept a Promise Fellow. Healthy Community Initiative in Northfield arranged the Promise Fellow opportunity. The cost to the school is $6,000 for the upcoming year, 8/29/11 through 8/28/12. Finance Committee recommends that this be included in the 2011-2012 budget.
Motion by Tim Goodwin to add a line item in to the FY12 budget for a Promise Fellow.
Second Jan Rohwer.
Motion passed: unanimous
  • ARTech received a MN Dept. of Ed. School Finance Award. Thanks you to Rebecca McMullen for attention to fiscal responsibility.

(b)   Board Chair Report- Tammy Prichard:
  • Report on Search Committee process and progress towards hiring a director. Committee has sought input from parents, students, staff. Job was posted on 4/26/11. Committee is in the process of reviewing application. Goal is to have a finalist before the end of the school year.
  • Search Committee members appointed by the board chair are:
      Tim Goodwin, Maria Musachio, Janine Nelson, Joe Pahr, Tammy Prichard, and Simon Tyler

(c)    School Director Report -Simon Tyler (Report attached)
 i.            Enrollment and Waiting Lists: Wait lists for all grades
 ii.          Curricular Initiatives: Ryan Krominga has arranged for 10th grade students to take the PLAN assessment, a college and career readiness assessment, on May 10th. This has been researched and approved by the Education Committee.
 iii.         Building Status: Build out project is on track with approval from City Hall to proceed.
 iv.        External Relations
 v.          Professional Development
(d)    Committee Reports: 
Communications Committee – Lisa Malecha: Committee requests that board members look at the new ARTech website which has been built by students under the direction of Todd Thompson. That group wants to set a date for the “Launch”, so is looking for feedback from viewers.

Facilities Committee – Tim Goodwin: Final construction plans are going out to Northfield Construction, the chosen contractor, tomorrow. On 5/20 Northfield Construction will present a hard bid based on the final building plan. Construction should start 6/13/11 and will hopefully be completed by the start of the next school year.

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:

(a)    MACS  membership: presented by Tammy Prichard
Motion by Lisa Malecha to renew membership to MN Association of Charter School and pay the annual fee of $2,813.
Second: Evelyn Hoover
Motion passed: unanimous

(b)    Admissions policy: presented by Lisa Malecha
This is a first reading of ARTech’s Admissions policy, which includes an amendment. The Board is asked to review current policy and amend to allow that ARTech students who enroll in Northfield school dist. in order to attend summer school are ensured placement in the Fall without going through ARTech’s waiting list. Second reading will be at June board meeting.

(c)    Training for new Board members: presented by Tammy Prichard
Two trainings were cancelled this past winter due to weather. There has been difficulty finding training opportunities for the three required areas of training: Finance, Governance, and Legal Requirements. Tammy Prichard will arrange for training for new board members. The new director will be included in the training.

 9.       Announcements:
(a)    Next School Board Meeting:  June 9th at 6:30 pm
(b)    Senior Presentation Nights: 5/10 and 5/12 at 6:30pm
(c)    May Term begins 5/23
(d)    School play, Midsummer Night’s Dream, will perform May 20th and 21st at 7:30pm
(e)    No school May 20th, teacher workday

 10.    Adjourn
Motion to approve: Lisa Malecha
                  Second:  Jan Rohwer
                  Motion passed:  unanimous
      Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm

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