Tuesday, November 22, 2011

September 9, 2010 School Board Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Monthly Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2010
6:30 pm
ARTech at 1719 Cannon Road, Northfield

 1.       Call meeting to order at 6:34 pm

 2.       Verify Quorum
                  Present:  Jan Rohwer, Janine Nelson, Maria Musachio, Lisa Malecha, Joe Pahr, Tammy Prichard,                               Jake Roberts
                  Additionally present:  Rebecca McMullen, Simon Tyler

 3.       Approve Agenda
Motion to approve:  Janine Nelson
Second:  Jan Rohwer
Motion passed unanimously

 4.       Approve Minutes of August 24, 2010
Motion to approve:  Maria Musachio
Second:  Janine Nelson
Motion passed unanimously

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  Chris Bashor visited and expressed an interest in the school board.

 6.       Consent Agenda:  None

 7.       Reports
(a)    Finance Committee and Financial Report
            Janine Nelson presented and discussed current work of the Finance Committee:  financing subs, grant writing, developing a calendar of repeating fund raisers and grant cycles, completing the audit and switching auditors, reviewing the financial portion of the annual report, repair costs for flooding, facility management costs, cash flow of state monies,  developing a finance report “lite” for the school community
(b)    Board Chair Report  (see full report at the end)
 i.            Status of Board Election Process
 ii.          Meeting with possible consultant
 iii.         Technology Job Description
(c)    School Director Report  (see full report at the end)
 i.            Enrollment and Waiting Lists
 ii.          Curricular Initiatives
 iii.         Staffing Updates:  Temporary Discretionary Variance License Request
 iv.        Building Status
 v.          External Relations (Northfield School District, MDE, community, etc.)
 vi.        Professional Development
 vii.       Status of Academic and Non-Academic Goals
(d)    Committee Report:  None

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:
(a)    Submit Annual Report
            Move to submit the Annual Report
            Motion to approve:  Maria Musachio
            Second:  Jan Rohwer
            Motion passed unanimously
(b)    School Board Meeting Calendar
            Move to accept the calendar changing September 8, 2011 to September 15, 2011.
            Motion to approve:  Maria Musachio
            Second:  Lisa Malecha
            Motion passed unanimously
(c)    Staff member leave of absence request
            Todd Thompson presented his request for a leave of absence to Guatemala. 
            Move to authorize Todd Thompson 8 days of substitute pay covered by our current                               budget for an absence to develop a Guatemala connection.
            Motion to approve:  Lisa Malecha
            Second:  Janine Nelson
            Motion passed unanimously
(d)    Approve Offer of Staff Contracts:  Art 0.50 FTE
            Move to approve the contract to Sarah Wallis for an Art 0.50 FTE and part-time                                               paraprofessional position.
            Motion to approve:  Maria Musachio
            Second:  Jan Rohwer
            Motion passed unanimously
(e)    Staff Survey:  Plan for October
(f)     Move that Communications Committee find the best way to survey parents and students in regards to an end of year program survey and charge the Education Committee with determining content of the survey.
Motion to approve:  Lisa Malecha
Second:  Janine Nelson
Motion passed unanimously

(g)    Director Professional Development Plan
            Simon Tyler will be enrolled in an administrator’s licensure program at Mankato State University.

 9.       Announcements
                  September 21 – 24, Manito-wish Trip for grades 7, 9, and 11

 10.   Adjourn at 9:03 pm.
Motion to approve:  Janine Nelson
Second:  Lisa Malecha
Motion passed unanimously

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