Tuesday, November 22, 2011

October 14, 2010 School Board Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Monthly Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2010
6:30 pm
ARTech at 1719 Cannon Road, Northfield

 1.       Call meeting to order at 6:37 pm.
 2.       Verify Quorum
                  Present:  Jan Rohwer, Janine Nelson, Maria Musachio, Lisa Malecha, Joe Pahr, Tammy Prichard,
                              Jake Roberts
                  Additionally present:  Rebecca McMullen, Simon Tyler, Evelyn Hoover, Chris Bashor, Tim                                           Goodwin
 3.       Approve Agenda
Motion to approve: Jan Rohwer
Second: Lisa Malecha
Motion passed unanimously
 4.       Approve Minutes of September 9, 2010
Motion to approve: Lisa Malecha
Second: Janine Nelson
Motion passed unanimously
 5.       Speaker's Corner:  None
 6.       Certify School Board Election Results
(a)    Regular members
 i.            Three members for terms that expire October, 2013
 ii.          One member for a term that expires October, 2012
Motion to accept Tim Goodwin, Evelyn Hover and Tammy Prichard for terms that expire October 2013 and to accept Chris Bashor for a term that expires 2011.
      Motion to approve:  Maria Musachio
      Second: Janine Nelson
      Motion passed unanimously
(b)   Student Representative
            Motion to accept Ginger Coleman as Student Representative
            Motion to approve:  Lisa Malech
            Second:  Maria Musachio
            Motion passed unanimously.
 7.       Distribute Board Handbook to new members
 8.       Elect School Board Officers
(a)    Chairperson
            Motion to elect Tammy Prichard as Chairperson
            Motion to approve:  Jan Rohwer
            Second:  Maria Musachio
            Motion passed unanimously
(b)   Vice-Chairperson
            Motion to elect Jan Rohwer as Vice-Chairperson
            Motion to approve:  Tammy Prichard
            Second:  Maria Musachio
            Motion passed unanimously
(c)    Secretary
            Motion to table the election until next month
            Motion to approve:  Lisa Malecha
            Second:  Janine Nelson
            Motion passed unanimously
(d)    Treasurer
            Motion to elect Janine Nelson as Treasurer
            Motion to approve:  Lisa Malecha
            Second:  Jake Roberts
            Motion passed unanimously
 9.       Consent Agenda:  None
 10.    Reports
(a)    Finance Committee and Financial Report given by Janine Nelson (see notes attached at the end)
            Motion to approve the changes to the revised budget.
            Motion to approve:  Maria Musachio
            Second:  Jan Rohwer
            Motion passed unanimously
(b)    Board Chair Report:  Technology Job Description
            Joe Pahr presented a report regarding Ryan Kromminga’s work to set up and maintain the                        technology.
(c)    School Director Report  (Full report is attached at the end.)
 i.            Enrollment and Waiting Lists
 ii.          Curricular Initiatives
 iii.         Staffing Updates
 iv.        Building Status
 v.          External Relations (Northfield School District, MDE, community, etc.)
 vi.        Professional Development
 vii.       Status of Academic and Non-Academic Goals
(d)    Report by Lisa Malecha:  Grants, social media, and PE/ Health curriculum
            Lisa is planning a year-round 3 year cycle of health classes for the Middle School; a 4 year cycle of quarter classes is planned for the High School.  MDE is planning new requirements for health and PE credits.
(e)    Committee Report:  None

 11.    Discussion and Action Items:
(a)    Approve submission of the Assurance of Compliance
            Motion to approve:  Jake Roberts
            Second:  Amy Haslett-Marroquin
            Motion passed unanimously.      
(b)    Committees:  Approve instructions to committees
 i.            Finance Committee
 ii.          Art Committee
 iii.         Facilities Committee
 iv.        Education Committee
 v.          Communications Committee
Motion to charge the committees with implementing the strategic plan for 2010- 2011
      Motion to approve:  Jan Rohwer
      Second:  Maria Musachio
      Motion passed unanimously.      
 12.    Announcements:
                  Presentation Night – November 5 at 6:30
                  Work day and End of Quarter (no school) – November 8
                  Conferences – November 15 – 16
                  A special “Thank You” was expressed to our out-going board members:  Joe Pahr, Amy Haslett-                     Marroquin, and Danny Dobrow.  Joe Pahr was recognized for his serving the school as the Board                   Chairperson during his last term.
 13.    Adjourn
      Motion to approve: Lisa Malecha
      Second:  Jan Rohwer
      Motion passed unanimously.
      Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

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