Tuesday, November 22, 2011

September 15, 2011 School Board Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
1719 Cannon Road, Northfield
School Board Meeting Minutes

Sept. 15, 2011

 1.       Call meeting to order at 6:44
 2.       Verify Quorum, in attendance: Tami Prichard, Evelyn Hoover, Jan Rohwer, Maria Musachio, Tim Goodwin, and Lisa Malecha. Also attending: Ryan Krominga, Director, Rebecca McMullen, Business manager, Lori Urke, parent.
 3.       Motion to approve Agenda: Lisa Malecha, second Evelyn Hoover, approved unanimously.
 4.       Motion to approve Minutes of August 25, 2011: Evelyn Hoover, second Jan Rohwer, approved unanimously.

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  No speakers
 6.       Consent Agenda:  None

 7.       Reports
(a)    Financial Report, Rebecca McMullen: Finance committee met Tues. 9/13. Committee will look for new members as two members end their term of service. Tech budget was used to buy 9 new desktop computers. A special ruling allows MN Charter schools to receive 75% of the state's hold back funds on July 15th while traditional schools receive their money later in the fiscal year.  This is beneficial for maintaining a positive bank balance. Renewal of ARTech's line of credit is due Jan. 2012 and a preliminary discussion with Community bank suggested increasing the line of credit to cover this year's state holdback of 40%, up from 30% last year, will be approved. ARTech's financial audit will be completed next week.
(b)    Director Report, Ryan Krominga: Enrollment is at 119. There is a waiting list for 10th and 11th grades. A new Spanish teacher, Jon Witt, has been hired at .4 FTE and has begun classes for beginning and intermediate Spanish language. The building expansion is moving along well. Preliminary results for state MCA and graduation standards tests have been sent and a full report is expected soon. ARTech's preliminary scores in Reading and Math far exceed state's average. ARTech's preliminary Math scores are somewhat below the state average. See Director's Report, attached.
(c)    Chair Report:  None
(d)    Committee Reports: None
(e)    Student Report:  None

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:
(a) Strategic plan for the 5 committees, Art Communication, Education, Facilities, and Finance, has been written with participation from committee members. See attached. Motion to approve committee goals as presented: Tim Goodwin, second Evelyn Hoover, approved unanimously.
(b)    Ryan Krominga, Director, presented annual goals for the 2011-2012 school year. See attached. Motion to approve goals as presented: Lisa Malecha, second Tim Goodwin, approved unanimously.
(c)    High School Student Handbook has been updated as of Sept. 2011. Motion to approve the updated handbook: Tim Goodwin, second Evelyn Hoover, approved unanimously.
(d)    Motion to have a special board meeting on Sept. 28th at 9:15 to approve the annual report: Lisa Malecha, second Tim Goodwin, approved unanimously.
(e)    Motion to approve contract for Spanish teacher, Jon Witt: Evelyn Hoover, second Tim Goodwin, approved unanimously.

a.       Manitowish for 9th and 11th graders, Sept. 27-30
b.       Next Board Meeting – October 3, 2012
c.       No School Oct. 20-21, MEA
d.       End of quarter Oct. 27
e.       No school/Teacher workshop Oct. 28

Motion to adjourn: Tim Goodwin, second Evelyn Hoover. Meeting adjourned at 8:22pm.

Strategic Plan for Committees (2011/ 2012)
·  Review art foundation curriculum and how our students develop “focused knowledge”
·  Develop and implement a trial of visiting artist/open studio for one quarter. This model would incorporate a weekly visit from a community artist, followed by an after-school open art studio
·  Articulate vision statement and share with the community
·  Review new art standards from MDE
·  Define what is UNIQUE about the arts at ARTech
·  College Connections & Community Mentors
·  Media Literacy – explore

·  Develop a school-wide database of parents & skills
·  Plan Parent Education events
·  Facilitate Parent Volunteers
·  Review and publish last year’s parents survey
·  Survey parents in the spring and compare results

·  Review the High School and Middle School handbooks
·  Explore Professional Development opportunities, including “Catalyst Fund”
·  Use the parents skills database for connecting mentors
·  Review and evaluate the high school program
·  Publish survey of graduates
·  Explore Honors designations
·  Develop e-portfolios

·  Manage the build-out
·  Develop a plan for maintenance of the building

·  Explore viability of “Catalyst Fund”
·  Review the Benefits package
·  Explore fundraising and grant writing
·  Develop and write finance policies

Marketing Sub-Committee
·  Develop a template for posters for advertising events
·  Develop a strategy for promoting the school, esp. for the middle school

College Prep Sub-Committee
·  Set monthly meetings for high school students and parents
·  “What does prepared look like?”
·  Develop new transcript and profile
·  Demonstrate and articulate vision and rigor of the school
·  Build relationships with regional school
·  Research requirements for non-traditional schools
2011/ 2012 Calendar for Reporting to Board Meetings
October, February
November, March
December, April
January, May
December, June

Director’s Goals 2011 – 2012

·        Successfully renew ARTech’s contract.
·        Complete the Annual Report.
·        Analyze high school curriculum with regards to standards as part of the contract renewal process and to have included in the high school handbook.
·        Implementation of the education committee’s recommendations for high school credits in order to meet the state’s and school’s credit requirements.
·        Successfully renew ARTech’s contract.
·        Collect and analyze data concerning Staff and Student contact time.
·        Develop and implement strategies for college readiness.
·        Seek out staff and other resources for best practices regarding student discipline.
       Attend a workshop or conference
·        Develop a staff professional development plan that is unique to ARTech that supplements Q Comp.
·        Work with the Communications Committee to develop strategies for marketing the school.
·        Develop an Employee Handbook and Operations Manual
·        Explore innovative opportunities for fundraising.
·        Complete a credit analysis comparing projects and classes within the subject areas.


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