Tuesday, November 22, 2011

December 9, 2010 School Board Minutes

Northfield School of Arts and Technology
School Board Monthly Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2010
6:30 pm
ARTech at 1719 Cannon Road, Northfield

 1.       Call meeting to order at 6:36pm.

 2.       Verify Quorum
Present: Tammy Prichard (Board Chair), Evelyn Hoover, Janine Nelson, Chris Bashor, Jan
    Rohwer, Tim Goodwin, Lisa Malecha, Maria Musachio
                  Absent: Jake Roberts

                  Additionally present: Simon Tyler, Ginger Coleman (student representative), Rebecca McMullen

 3.       Approve Agenda
                  Motion to approve:  Lisa Malecha
                  Second:  Chris Bashor
                  Motion passed:  unanimously

 4.       Approve Minutes of November 11, 2010
                  Motion to approve:  Janine Nelson
                  Second:  Chris Bashor
                  Motion passed:  unanimously

 5.       Speaker's Corner:  This is an opportunity for community members to address the ARTech School Board on subjects related to the school. Please limit comments to three minutes.

 6.       Consent Agenda:  None

 7.       Reports
(a)    Finance Committee report by Janine Nelson. Presented Finance Committee meeting minutes. Repair and Maintenance Services is over budget due to flooding on east side of building in Oct. rainstorm. Reviewed goals developed by the strategic planning committee in July/09. 5 of 6 goals have been achieved.
(b)    Financial Report by Rebecca McMullen. Presented FY10 Audit Review. Auditor’s report will be available in Jan. ’11.
(c)    Board Chair Report: no report
(d)    School Director Report by Simon Tyler
 i.            Enrollment and Waiting Lists: enrollment at 122
 ii.          Curricular Initiatives: 100% attendance at student conferences in Nov., Bob Gregory Bjorklund and Sarah Wallis led an Arts Analysis seminar based on the movie 39 Steps, Lori Coleman’s Spanish students attended the Mixed Blood Theater play Isabel Allend’s “House of Spirits”.
 iii.         Staffing Updates: none
 iv.        Building Status: Facilities committee is in initial lease negotiations with the landlord.
 v.          External Relations (Northfield School District, MDE, community, etc.): ARTech Open House 11/14, Thanks-Give fundraised over $5,000, discussion with authorizer, Cyberbullying workshop attended by Simon Tyler, ARTech greenhouse featured in the online newspaper Patch, Special Ed. Parent meeting 12/2.
 vi.        Professional Development: Special ed. Finance training 11/24, Relational Aggression and Girls workshop, Regions 5 workshop, Q-comp training, Blog training.
 vii.       Status of Academic and Non-Academic Goals: none
(e)    Committee Report: 
 i.            Communication Committee report by Lisa Malecha. Committee is creating a survey to evaluate the director. Discussion about ways to evaluate leadership. Committee has recruited parents to serve each of the 4 advisories
 ii.          Student rep. Report by Ginger Coleman. Ginger discussed “Artist in Residence” options with students. Students have an interest in a Technology artist. Students discussed bullying.

 8.       Discussion and Action Items:
(a)    Bullying Prohibition Policy reviewed. Changes recommended by board members. Board will view the revised policy in Jan. ’11.
(b)    Authorizer status: Northfield School district has applied to the state to renew their status as ARTech’s (and Prairie Creek’s) authorizer. Their application was denied and they will resubmit a revised application.
(c)    Employee handbook: Paula Forbes was approached to consult on this document. She has not responded. Chris Bashor volunteered to research ideas for an employee handbook.

 9.       Announcements:
(a)    Winter Break – Dec. 20 to Jan. 2
(b)     Next School Board Meeting Jan 13, 6:30pm
(c)    Jan. 14, Arts for Martin community celebration

 10.    Adjourn
Motion to approve: Maria Musachio
                  Second: Jan Rohwer
                  Motion passed: unanimously
      Meeting adjourned at 9:16pm.

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